
From ilristrategy ilriwikis

Strategy Discussion 28 May 2012 Group 1 discussion notes Notes by Tsehay Gashaw


  1. Abeba Asmelash
  2. Birke Enyew
  3. Dawit G/Yohannes
  4. Liya Dejene
  5. Mulatu Gemechu
  6. Tigist Endashaw
  7. Tsehay Gashaw
  8. Wubalem Dejene

Group 1was divided into 2 groups, below are the response to the questions from group discussions.

What would success for ILRI look like (in 10 years or so)?

Group 1:

  • Quality research worldwide --- in order to attract donors we have to produce quality research
  • ILRI should develop good relationship with NARs and other partners
  • ILRI's research should be easy and practical and low in cost to reaching the wider need

Group 2:

  • ILRI should strengthen its partnership with partners:

government NARs

  • communication should be integrated in the strategy our research to be communicated efficiently
  • Better monitoring and evaluation and followup mechanisms
  • ILRI's research proposal should focus on the current situations
  • More work should be done on capacity strengthen

The Second question:

What do you value about ILRI that you’d want to remain the same? What would you change? as a research and as a workplace


KEEP Good expertise on research - we have good knowledge to produce quality research
New projects are coming - eg. NBDC, Africa-rising and etc..
Exposure to research work
Conducive environment
Staff development fund is appriciated
CHANGE Sustainability of projects [build up on phased out project] - this would reduce duplication of research projects or proposals
more research labs and experimentation areas should be built on
HR issues- there should be attractive salary and rewarding benefit package to keep staff motivated in their work
Internal communication should be enhanced - there should be top-bottom communication at least once or twice a year physically or virtually and also short updates by yammer/ilrinet.


KEEP Knowledge management approach is good
ILRI research should increase/double the number of staff
Well developed system and structure
Attractive working environment
Reward and staff development package
CHANGE There should be more focus on NARs
New project outline
More lab facilities
Uniform rules and regulations for IRS and NRS
Transparency in communication b/n management and staff
There should be rewarding package for the staff